Terms of service provision
These terms and conditions explain the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of WillMove Worldwide SLU and the Client in relation to removals and storage services provided by WillMove Worldwide SLU These conditions consider the resources and principles of international conventions that regulate the transport of goods by road, air or sea.
The quote presented will be valid for a period of 30 days from the date of preparation. This quote may be modified if:
- It is not accepted or is requested to perform other work after 30 days, in which case an additional quote will be made.
- The customer requests the removal or storage of additional merchandise or the provision of additional services. In such circumstance, the customer must inform as soon as possible after receipt of the budget so that he can be informed of the variation in the price. If you inform on the day of the move, additional items will not be withdrawn, and additional services will not be provided until a new price has been agreed. In the event that it is not possible to wait for the client of the new budget and new date of service, after agreeing by telephone, an email will be sent that will be valid for proof of consent and approval of the performance of the additional work. The invoice will always be made based on the resulting final volume, as a guide to the increase, the client may make a pro rata of the accepted quote.
- Additional resources or services are required due to unforeseen access difficulties. Unforeseen additional services will not be performed until a new price has been agreed.
- The goods have been delivered to you from the warehouse and you require facilities to inspect them while the goods are in that warehouse.
- The job is done on a Saturday, Sunday or holiday at your request, without having previously agreed in writing in the budget.
- There is an increase in costs caused by changes in the value of foreign currencies, taxes or freight changes beyond our control.
- It is agreed in writing to increase the limits of responsibilities listed in clauses 7 or 8.
- The quote offered by WillMove to the client is subject to change due to the fluctuation of Ocean freights, Air freights, congestion in ports or airports and charges related to the transportation of the goods or third-party premises such as airports, bonded warehouses, and ports amongst others.
- If there was to be a considerable fluctuation on the any of the above mentioned (above of a 10% of selling price) the client will be responsible for any additional cost.
- Due to agreements in place with suppliers and agents, WillMove cannot disclose invoices, contracts and/or any kind of documentation pertaining ocean, air or land freights, examinations, destination services, origin services, etc.
- Due to the constant fluctuation of freights in the international trade market the transportation cost mentioned in the quote will be subject to change due to fluctuations being billed as above mentioned. The cost of transportation will be revised once the cargo has been loaded on the means of transportation as stipulated on international trade laws.
- Declare in writing all items that may be subject to Customs Duties or restrictions. If the client informs incorrectly, the compensation for demand, fines, expenses and charges borne by Willmove arising from such incorrect information will be borne by him.
Unless expressly agreed in writing made before the date of preparation of the budget, the price reflected therein does not include disassembly or installation of electrical appliances, connection, or disconnection of household appliances, lifting or placing carpet, moving freezers, bunkers or refrigerators loaded, or any other item specifically excluded in writing. If any Willmove employee performs work at the client’s request, without written authorization from the company, the company will not be liable for any loss or damage that may occur when performing them.
With the acceptance of the quote the client undertakes to:
- Be present or represented throughout the move to ensure that nothing that should be moved is not transported and that nothing is moved by mistake.
- Provide appropriate protection of property left in unoccupied or neglected places were other persons, such as tenants or packers, may be present. If the client does not protect his belongings, Willmove will not be liable for losses or damages caused by such carelessness.
- Do not store or store jewellery, watches, precious stones or metals, money, deeds, securities, stamps or coins (or similar collections of any kind), plants or animals. Willmove is not responsible for loss or damage to such items if they have been left in our care and custody.
- Pay any parking expenses that occur while moving.
- Declare in writing all items that may be subject to Customs Duties or restrictions. If the client informs incorrectly, the compensation for demand, fines, expenses and charges borne by Willmove arising from such incorrect information will be borne by him.
- The quote offered by WillMove to the client is subject to change due to the fluctuation of Ocean freights, Air freights, congestion in ports or airports and charges related to the transportation of the goods or third-party premises such as airports, bonded warehouses, and ports amongst others.
- If there was to be a considerable fluctuation on the any of the above mentioned (above of a 10% of selling price) the client will be responsible for any additional cost billed with a minimum 32% margin on the actual cost.
- Due to the constant fluctuation of freights in the international trade market the transportation cost mentioned in the quote will be subject to change due to fluctuations being billed as above mentioned. The cost of transportation will be revised once the cargo has been loaded on the means of transportation as stipulated on international trade laws.
- In the event that the shipment terms should need to be changed, WillMove will have the right to do so, so as to make sure the goods arrive to destination.
The placement of the merchandise will be done only once following the instructions of the customer. If the delivery of the goods is not possible at the address agreed by circumstances beyond our control and/or attributable to the customer, these will be deposited in a warehouse owned by Willmove, the agent assigned in the nearest town or where there is storage available. Said storage will have an additional cost, according to our rates, which must be paid by the customer.
Likewise, supplementary re-delivery transport or delays not attributable to the company will be paid by the customer who will pay the expenses incurred.
Willmove will select the means of transport.
When the merchandise has been delivered to the shipping company, to the airline or railway company, the care and safe custody of the merchandise will be the sole responsibility of the maritime line or railway company, until the merchandise has been delivered to Willmove, to our nominated agents or subcontractors.
In case of subcontracting these conditions, they will be applied to the subcontractor.
Willmove will choose the route and the means by which the merchandise will be taken to our warehouse.
If for reasons not attributable to Willmove, the means of transport, deliver the goods in a place or port outside its original destination, the customer will be responsible for all additional expenses incurred in the additional transport, in accordance with accepted transport practices International maritime
Transit time is estimated, and will not start counting until full payment has been received in our account.
Unless otherwise agreed, in writing in the budget, Willmove will be obliged in case of breach of contract or negligence to pay a maximum sum of € 30 for each item lost or damaged, to cover repair or replacement costs of the item (Any item, suit service, game or complete box, package or other container is considered item)
Willmove may choose to repair or replace any of the damaged items.
If an item is repaired satisfactorily no liability for depreciation of value will be accepted.
When the merchandise is transported by a shipping company, airline, railway or land company, its custody will be the sole responsibility of the shipping company, airline, rail or land company until they have been delivered to our nominated or subcontracted agents. If the merchandise is lost or suffered damage while it is under the care or custody of the shipping company, airline, railway or land company Willmove will not be liable and will transfer to the client the benefits of any rights he has under the valid terms and until the Merchandise is delivered to our nominated or subcontracted agents
Willmove will be obliged in case of breach of contract, negligence or responsible for causing damage to the premises of the client to pay the repair of the damaged area to a maximum limit of 100.- €
Willmove will insure against the possible risks of damage in the premises of the client, for a value greater than 1000.- €, if this is requested in writing, provided that it is the client who pays the policy
EXCLUSIVE RESPONSIBILITIES Willmove will not be liable for:
- Loss or damage caused by fire.
- Losses or damages caused while in the care or custody of the shipping company, airline. Railway or land transport. Willmove will transfer to the client any benefit or right we have against the carriers under its terms and conditions that are governed by international agreements and protocols.
- Loss or damage caused to merchandise packed by the customer or others.
- Loss or damage caused when the merchandise has been unpacked by you or others.
- Loss or damage if the merchandise has been transferred or delivered to unattended or unattended premises or where third parties are present.
- Loss or damage caused by insects, moths or other infestations.
- Losses or damages caused if the merchandise has any inherent defect or suffers from any inherent defect.
- Loss or damage caused by war, invasion or acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether or not war has been declared) civil war, rebellion, insurrection or military coup, natural wear or tear or gradual deterioration, infiltration or deficiency of perishable items or prone to losing fluid, acts of God, or other circumstances beyond our control.
- Loss of use, loss of employment, loss of earnings or any other consequential loss.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, at the time of booking the date and time of the service, a deposit of 10% of the budget value must be made.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, full payment must be made before the move is made. Willmove will not be liable for any surcharges or fines for delays or surpluses due to non-payment of our bill.
If the total payment due is not received, the merchandise will not be transferred.
A claim or dispute may not be a reason to delay payment.
Payment must be made by bank transfer in the account indicated unless the parties agree otherwise. In case of agreeing to pay by credit card, the customer must also pay 3% of the value of the budget for management expenses.
The cancellation of the contract or postponement of the service at the indication of the client or for the convenience of the company, will result in compensation in favour of the injured party. Said compensation will be set at 20% of the price of the move / shipment / storage if the withdrawal is notified within 5 business days prior to the agreed date for the provision of the service
If WillMove cancels the move, we will refund the payment. In addition, the client will be compensated with 20% of the costs of moving / shipping / storage, if the cancellation occurs within 5 days prior to the date scheduled for the provision of the service. This condition will not apply when the move / shipment / storage has been cancelled or postponed due to adverse weather conditions or national industrial action.
If there is a delay in payment, WillMove may cancel the contract with prior notice within 5 days prior to the agreed date for the provision of the service without any right to compensation to the client.
However, the right to retain the property is understood until the amount due to Willmove in full has been paid. Willmove will be entitled to a general or private seizure of any merchandise in its possession to cover all debts or expenses incurred by us for payments made to which the customer should have faced.
If the invoice or expenses of Willmove have not been paid, any merchandise in our possession or custody will be stored and retained until full payment is obtained. Willmove may charge for the storage of the merchandise during the embargo.
As already established in the FOURTH clause, any re-delivery expenses will be covered by the customer. These expenses as well as the corresponding invoice will have to be paid before the goods are released.
If our expenses have not been paid in full at maturity, interest will be charged on the balance.
End of the Agreement / Power of Sale: In the event that there is more than twelve weeks of storage, the address provided by the customer will be notified in writing, requesting that you withdraw all merchandise in our care, control or custody paying all debts in arrears. If you do not remove the goods within the stipulated deadlines Willmove may sell or dispose of all or part of them without further notice. The proceeds from the sale will be credited to your storage account or any other payment you have not made to us. The customer will be responsible for any expenses that Willmove has incurred in the sale or disposal of its goods or merchandise. In case of a favourable balance you will be refunded without interest.
The personal data that are provided by the clients to the company, may be subject to computer or file processing, for the purposes of fulfilling the contract, unless opposed by the client, having access to them only the authorized personnel of the company.
In any case, the client will have the right to access the data that is kept of him in the company, to his rectification, cancellation and opposition.
These data may not be transferred to other companies.
We recommend all our clients to take out insurance because in the case of loss or damage to your property you have a limited right to appeal against us.
We can assist you in hiring insurance. Full details of them are available.
It is your responsibility to ensure that insurance coverage is valid while services are performed.
Willmove has signed collaboration agreements with different insurance companies to have a special tailor-made coverage to protect you while the merchandise is in transit or in storage.
Total loss insurance may be contracted for all items packaged by the owner, provided that it has been requested in writing prior to the move and paid the corresponding percentage agreed.
Basic insurance may be contracted for all professionally packaged items, provided it has been requested in writing prior to the date of the move.
The extension of an insurance policy has a minimum applicable rate of € 25.-
All insurances contracted through our company will have a franchise of € 150.-